Summary of recent software troubleshooting

I’ve been facing a lot of software issues regarding to software, development kit and systems. Not everyone will face the same problem and although it can be searched by google, for some of the issues, even with the help by google I still spent a couple of afternoons and evenings figuring them out. So I mark some of the solutions here, hopefully it can help someone who gets here by searching some specific problems.

As a lot of different issues are involved, it will be tedious if I write an article for every single issue, I prefer listing all of them down in this article.




Split / Concatenate Videos 视频拼接: 

If you also have the demand of splitting/concatenating videos. Using ffmepg (!!! not editing!!!) is a clean and fast way. If you have ever used any editing software to do such simple splitting or concatenating jobs in Windows, I believe you have suffered from it more or less. Even without transcoding or editing, it still takes a long time to finish. In ubuntu, you can easity install it from repository. If concatenating videos, please keep it mind all the video snippets have the same format, resolution, as well as the audio/video bit rate.



Splitting | 剪切

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss <START_TIME> -t <STOP_TIME> -codec copy output.mp4


  1. by seconds: 80
  2. HH:mm:ss: 00:01:20


Concatenating | 拼接 :

We need to prepare a text file to list all the files those need to be merged. Here is an example of the list.txt:

拼接的情况稍微复杂些,我们需要将需要拼接的视频文件按以下格式保存在一个列表 list.txt 中:

file ‘/path/to/file1′

file ‘/path/to/file2′

file ‘/path/to/file3′


ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i **list.txt** -c copy output.mp4

As it is not transcoding, these two commands (for splitting and concatenating) can be done almost instantly.




Auto mount network drive in Windows 10 when startup. Win 10中开机无法自动挂载网络磁盘

I believe it is pretty straight forward to map a network drive in windows file explorer. But I find it is not always automatically mounted whenever booting the system. It mounts only when you double click it. I want to call rsync commands to sync some folders by calling batch script (.bat) in windows’s built-in schedule job. I need the network drives to be auto mounted in order to do so.

So how to do it? Very simple !

我相信如何在“我的电脑”中挂载网络磁盘已经非常简单明了, 我就不赘述了。但是用过的人可能会发现,每次启动系统的时候,磁盘并不会自动挂载,而是显示叉叉,只有当你双击打开的时候才会被挂载。而我恰好有需要每次启动系统的时候通过系统自带的计划任务调用批处理命令(.bat)来执行rsync命令同步一些文件夹,因此我希望每次系统启动时,磁盘都能自动挂载,否则就会影响同步操作。



net use x:

Add the line above to the batch script before syncing commands.



A serious issue about the BitLocker when running dual OS. 运行双系统时可能会遇到的BitLocker问题

Assume you

  1. have a laptop on hand and have enabled secure boot; and
  2. have enabled Windows BitLocker (disk encryption) for C: drive (system drive); and
  3. need to install Ubuntu (or whatever distro of Linux) alongsie with Windows 10

Then you might suffer from such annoying issue soon or later.

When you have ever sucessfully installed Ubuntu alongside with existing Windows 10, you may notice Ubuntu has done pretty well with the dual OS boot. Most of the time, it’s perfectly compatible with Windows boot. It adds an entry for booting from Windows in Grub 2.

Wait! Is it done with the conversation? Where is the problem?

I was trying to install another Kubuntu in the USB M.2 SSD. I was very careful with all the setup steps, and I was pretty sure I chose the right disk to write the Kubuntu into. But after the quick and successful installation of Kubuntu, my original Linux Mint doesn’t boot any more. The installation must have messed up some steps and wrote the BOOT program into the wrong disk. So I have use a USB Live Ubuntu Drive and run boot-repair to restore BOOT for my Linux Mint.

After a few steps with boot-repair, Linux Mint can boot normally now. However, there is something wrong with the Windows 10. It keeps asking for entering recovery key to unlock the disks everytime I reboot.


  1. 正在使用笔记本电脑或者品牌台式机并且开启了安全启动Secure boot
  2. 并且对系统盘(也就是C盘)开启了windows自带的加密功能BitLocker
  3. 并且打算安装Ubuntu+windows 10双系统



如果你在已有Windows 10的电脑上成功安装过Ubuntu,你可能会发现,Ubuntu其实在双系统启动方面做的非常好,几乎大部分情况下它都能完美兼容Windows 10启动,安装完成后,Ubuntu会在Grub 2启动选项中加入Windows 10的启动选项。



我曾试图往USB M.2 SSD 中写入一个全新的Kubuntu系统,安装的每一个步骤我都非常仔细确认过,我非常肯定我选择的磁盘是USB SSD 而非电脑内置SSD,可是在快速成功的安装完Kubuntu之后,我发现我电脑中原本的Linux Mint系统无法启动了,Windows 亦然。想必一定是安装Kubuntu的过程中,安装程序在某一个步骤搞砸了,把引导程序写入了我内置的SSD中。于是我不得不在USB Live Ubuntu系统中,利用boot-repair修复系统的引导程序。

并且能够成功启动引导Linux Mint了。可是,Windows 10却出问题了,每次重启进Windows的时候,都会出现以下的画面提示我输入BitLocker的恢复码。



This is extremely annoying. There are two solutions.

Case 1:

If booting from windows uefi bootloader directly(not from Grub 2), and it still keeps asking for recovery key,

Run the following in windows:

manage-bde -protectors -delete c: -type tpm

manage-bde -protectors -add c: -tpm

After restarting, hopefully you won’t see that annoying blue screen.

Case 2:

If booting Windows from Grub 2, and it keeps asking for the recovery key.

Theoretically this case is completely avoidable. Just make sure when you use boot-repair to fix the boot, it may ask you to install package shim-signed . You need to install it correctly. Don’t ignore it. 

This is important that it signs the boot loader with ubuntu official signature, so the secure boot can trust the the boot loader.

Use boot-repair to regenerate bootloader

When booting windows from grub, it may ask for recovery key.

Press ‘Esc’ to enter BitLocker Recovery mode

Input the recovery key, it won’t ask again.




如果只是从Windows 的bootloader中启动(非Grub 2),而无限询问BitLocker还原码时,


manage-bde -protectors -delete c: -type tpm

manage-bde -protectors -add c: -tpm



如果是从Grub 2启动Windows出现无限询问BitLocker还原码时,很有可能世由于Grub 2中的引导Windows的程序出现了问题,被Secure boot认为是异常启动。

其实这种情况是完全可以避免的。你所要注意的是当你在用boot-repair修复系统引导的时候,boot-repair会让你运行一些指令,其中有一个包 shim-signed 有可能出现问题,但是不要像我一样掠过它。虽然略过它引导依然能够修复,但是后果世生成出来的Grub 2引导windows的程序没有获取ubuntu官方的数字签名,以至于每次启动windows的时候,都会被windows误以为不安全。



Ubuntu Login Screen is Black(or Blank) | Ubuntu的登录画面黑屏

I was installing a lot of different desktops for Kubuntu. Afterwards, I uninstalled them all. Somehow, my Kubuntu Plasma doesn’t show login screen any more. But I didn’t uninstall Plasma.

It might be sddm that is uninstalled by running apt-get autoremove.

Run the following to fix it:

sudo apt-get install –reinstall sddm

sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm

由于之前我为Kubuntu试装了好几个桌面系统,之后又全部删除了,仅留下了Kubuntu预装的Plasma。但是诡异的是Plasma的登录页面黑屏了。我猜世sddm被apt-get autoremove误删了。



ASRock WOL(Wake-on-Lan) issue | 华擎主板网络唤醒WOL问题

ASRock motherboard has already enabled the WOL feature for its network adapters. But I still have some trouble with this feature. After trying many different attempts, the following steps helped me sort it out.

Go to BIOS setting, swithc to ‘Advanced Mode’ and navigate to ‘Advanced page’, select ‘ACPI Configuration’, change ‘PCIE Devices Poower On’ to Enabled. It should work.


进入主板BIOS 设置, 进入高级模式,切换至高级模式并且进入高级页面,选择‘ACPI Configuration’ 选项,更改 ‘PCIE Devices Poower On’ to 启用。


Hope this can help all the people in need in the shortest time. (If google can rank this up).



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