Winter in Russia

First Impression on Russia

Before visiting Asia or China, in many Europeans or Americans’ mind, China is supposed to be a poor country and falling behind the times. Their impressions on China still stay in Mao Tse-tung Period. My impression on Russia is similar. Soviet Period has been past for decades, the economy in Russia is still stuck. So the city should be very old fashioned. I find some of my colleagues also think so after I share my experience with them when I’m back. Definitely, we are all incorrect. I’ve ever read a few people’s traveling blog mentioning Moscow and St Petersburg are 15-20 years behind Beijing and Shanghai. But this sounds ridiculous to me. How they judge the prosperity of the cities depends on how many skyscrapers there are. But I prefer the history and culture in the cities.





This city surprises me quite a bit

Negatively, internationalization in this country is far out of my expectation. I find most of the travelers living in the hostels are from other places in Russia. In another words, I didn’t find that many travelers from other countries. And they don’t speak English at all. I was expecting more people can speak at least a little bit English in the cities like Moscow and St Pertersburg. But the reality is during the few days I stayed in Moscow, I had not met any Russian speaking even one or two statements in English except the receptionist in the hostel and waitress in Cafe Pushkin. The only way I could let others understand me is to use my body language and afterwards I found talking with Google Translate is the most efficient way.

When I went to Thailand and South Korea, I also had some similar trouble in communication, but we all (even with taxi driver) eventually figured out by one or two English words. Or there were some sales persons speaking a little bit English. So in these non English speaking countries, I didn’t feel that much inconvenience caused by languages.

I’ve finally realized how painful those expats feel when there is no English menu and waiters don’t speak any English at all in Hong Kong.


让我感到负面的是,这种城市的非国际化程度也远远超越了我的想象。在Hostel见到的人,也基本上都是俄罗斯的外地人为主。毋庸置疑的是,国际化的程度很大程度依赖对英语的普及程度。以前曾听说在莫斯科与圣彼得堡,相对俄罗斯其他城市而言要显得更加国际化一些,然而事实却是在这四天中,我几乎没有遇见一个会说英文的。唯一能流利交流的是Hostel的前台女孩,以及Cafe Pushkin的女服务生。除此以外,我的表达几乎都是靠一指禅。

曾经在韩国和泰国,都偶尔遇到过无法让对方正确理解自己说什么的情况,然而对方总能从只言片语的英文中大致明白,即便是taxi driver。而且总会有一些店能够遇到可以很流利用英语交流的店员,所以在我看来,即便是在这些国家,英语不是那么普及,也并没有真正让我觉得有任何不便。我也终于明白了在香港生活的外国人有时遇见一句英文也不会的老一辈的服务生是有多头疼。



From my perspective, the ‘Surprise’ comes from the cultural and educational difference in both countries. In tier 2 or 3 cities of China, when you talk to young people (1980s or 1990s) who rarely speak English, they can speak out at least a few words as long as they have graduated from middle schools. e.g. ‘how much’ and numbers, etc. Even when someone is speaking ‘Chenglish’ or any form of informal English, you can still get some ideas from what they are saying. The main reason causing this difference is : in China, ‘English’ is the primary foreign language and almost equivalent with ‘foreign language’.  But English is not mandatory or primary foreign language in Russia. it’s stated in some article that there are some similarities between Russian and Deutsch, so most people would choose to learn Deutsch or Español. But I don’t know if this is the case.

而意外的感觉主要来自于:在中国,即便是在二三线城市,对于英文不好的人来说,只要读过中学,至少能够说出一些基本的英文单词,例如数字,how much之类,即便是Chenglish,蹩脚的英文参杂一些中文仍然能够把大致意思表达清楚。因为英语是中国教育中的第一外语,在一定程度上,"外语"这个词几乎默认等同于英语。可是对俄罗斯人而言,英语并非其第一外语,有人说德语与俄语有部分相通之处,所以大部分人选择德语作为第一外语,因而大多数俄罗斯人连最基本的英文数字都不会说,每一个数字都必须依靠计算器表达。

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OK, let’s move forward, languages take too much paragraph.
In my mind (no, in most people’s mind) Russian girls are taller and stronger. But it is compared with Ukrainian girls. Yes, generally Russian girls are tall, but pretty slim, and not strong at all. In Moscow, I have the impression that most girls in the street look delicate and beautiful especially East Slavs and Tatars (I was told so but honestly I can not differentiate). It is even more difficult in finding ugly girls in Moscow than finding beautiful girls in Hong Kong. This country is full of pretty girls.





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A Russian girl told me, girls are cool in Russia because the weather is too cold and smiling consumes too much energy. (sounds ridiculous, hah?). I used to see some travelers’ negative comments on, complaining some staff in the hotel ignoring her/him probably because of her/his ethnicity. But I guess the misunderstanding usually comes from the miscommunication as they can not communicate with each other at all. Although I had an experience that a flight attendant in Aeroflot Airlines showed unhappy face to me, most of the people I met in Russia were still nice even we didn’t understand each other and they kept speaking Russian to me.

Different from those tourism friendly countries like Thailand, you will never feel over welcomed in Russia.



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I read one statement on instagram, saying “My favorite style of traveling, is not to check-in the attractions only, but slow down my steps, and watch how the people live in the city. Sometimes, you may feel more surprised when walking past some places or restaurants those are not in the plan." I totally agree with this. To me, a meaningful traveling is more like exploring rather than resting on vacations.

曾经在Instagram看到过这样一句话:"我喜歡的旅行,不是只有朝聖知名景點,比起密集趕路,我更喜歡放慢腳步,觀察當地人的生活習性、風俗,突然決定要踏上的冒險旅程,或是隨意路過的小徑、餐廳,往往在沒有特別規劃的旅行中,會遇上意想不到的驚喜 “,我想我的想法也大致如此。我认为自己更多的是在旅行,而不是旅游或者度假。





I feel the city structure (circles by circles) looks pretty similar with Beijing. Exactly! Soviet Union was what we wanted to be in Mao Tse-tung Period.



苏联曾是新中国的榜样。北京与莫斯科一样,都是从政治中心广场(天安门广场 vs 红场)向外扩散,一圈包着一圈。



Red Square is the place where everyone should go, and it did take most of my time. There are many cathedrals and museums.

Saint Basil’s Cathedral is my favorite architecture. The colors and structure make it look like the castle in the fairy tales.


Saint Basil’s Cathedral (圣瓦西里大教堂)是我最爱的一座建筑,拥有童话般的梦幻。无论从色彩搭配还是结构上来说,都是自带美颜功能。

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Kremlin Palace is where President Putin’s office locates. But I have not got enough time to walk around inside. Armory Chamber is the only museum I’ve been to.


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The metro station in Moscow is one of the amazing places. The palace like stations are extraordinarily attractive. The facilities are old but it brings more vintage and historical feelings to me.


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Novodevichy Cemetery Moscow is a centralized place where most renowned Russians who have passed away are buried, i.e. poets, generals, etc. Although some people are instinctively scared to see the tombs, I feel holy and pure here. Most tombs have a statue in the front, which tries to tell a story, representing what and how the people were in the past.


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There are hundreds of museums and cathedrals in Russia. It seems there is always a museum or cathedral just right at the corner. It’s like the temples in Chiangmai, Thailand. Although I’m not a christian, I was attracted by the gorgeous design of the cathedrals. The interior painting are really delicate.


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There is a prison in Peter and Paul fortress. You can experience how it feels in the jail.  On each floor there is a punishment room which is completely black. I entered the black room, feeling a little bit blank. It is really awful to stay in the dark.


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Eliseevsky Store is an over 100 years old palace like supermarket. It looks pretty advanced and luxurious. But the price is actually affordable.

耶立謝耶夫斯基商店是一个看似宫廷的食品超市,已有超过一个世纪的历史。 虽然看起来非常奢华,可是价格却很亲民。

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It feels really different to walk against the strong snow in the Nevsky Prospect. There is still too much to explore.


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Murmansk is a small city in the north of Russia. It’s also an important destination that I was excited of. It locates inside Actic Circle. Almost every Russian couldn’t understand why I was going to Murmansk because it is really really cold and not famous at all. The temperature is around – 20℃ in winter. But it is an ideal place to watch Aurora(northern lights). Most of my friends and colleagues feel surprised that Aurora can be watched in such place. As they know,  Norway, Iceland and Finland are the best known and the only places to watch Aurora.

I was staying in Sami Village, 170 km away from the city. It’s around two hours away by car. The people there are really really nice. The accommodation and all the services are in a reasonable and affordable price. The uncle (one of the hosts) is a pretty warm hearted person. He woke us up when he saw a strong Aurora at night. Without his help, we almost missed the strongest one. But staying outside for capturing the Aurora is particularly a freezing experience. The wapiti with a bell tied came around to us and it was biting my tripod. It must be very hungry and it shocked me a little bit.

Shooting Aurora is technically not too difficult. I did a few researches before the trip, so at the first night I succeeded to capture it very quickly.

We need 1) a tripod 2) shutter cable or remote (for stabilization) 3) a wide angle lens (mine is 12mm F2 lens with a APS/C frame camera).

Then just adjust some parameters: 1) manual focus to infinite 2) switch to the biggest aperture 3) switch to BULB mode in the camera 4) change white balance to auto or 3800K 5) set ISO to 320 (with 40s shutter speed) or 1600 or 3200 (with 4s shutter speed), it depends on how you want to capture the aurora

摩尔曼斯克是俄罗斯北部位于北极圈内的一个小城市,也是此次旅行的一个非常重要的目的地。在圣彼得堡,几乎每一个俄罗斯人听到我将前往摩尔曼斯克时都表示不解,毕竟那里更加寒冷,将近- 20℃ (虽然经过比较之后发现温度竟然比哈尔滨还高),但是它是一个非常理想的极光观测地。我的大多数朋友和同时看到我拍到的极光之后都感到惊讶,因为多数人以为只有挪威、冰岛、还有芬兰等北欧国家才能观测到极光。



我们只需要如下:1)三脚架 2)快门线或者快门遥控(为了防止手震)3)广角镜头(我使用的是12mm 光圈F2的镜头,相机是APS/C画幅)

然后就是参数了:1)调至手动对焦至无限远 2)切换至最大光圈 3)切换至B门模式 4)将白平衡切换至自动,但是为了保险起见,设置为3800K更好  5)ISO根据想要拍摄极光的形状,可以设置为320(对应的快门速度为40秒)/1600/3200(对应的快门速度为4秒),当然这些都根据当时的光照情况而定,我当时所处的场景比较暗。

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Although my photos are not fancy enough yet, it was very lucky that I could be seeing this consecutively for three days. Wish it could bring good luck to everyone seeing it. It was really really unbelievable and unforgettable experience.

Playing with the wapti, reindeer, huskies and rabbits is good fun.



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A few days after, we went to Teriberka base, a village by the Arctic Ocean. It is an awesome place. The driver told us here was where Atlantis civilization used to be. Honestly I have not verified yet. I chose to believe for now.

When taking snow mobile through the iced lake, the mobile shocked and smashed a big piece of ice and made it spill throughout my whole body.



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Another thing that impressed me is that the drivers always stop and let pedestrians go first whenever they see them crossing the road where there is no traffic light.


Russia, probably I will come in summer next time.



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