Saigon & Nha Trang

These months I’ve been getting so lazy to write down what I saw and what I felt in the trip.

The experience and the people you met are unique. Probably for most of the people, I may not have a chance to see them again in the rest of my life.

Saigon leaves remarkable impression to me, although the public transportation is not so convenient. As solo backpacker, hiring Grab Bike is a cheap and effective alternative option.

Here is the scene on the first night when I arrived Saigon. A friendly reminder, don’t buy any food in the street if there is no price. Ask price before ordering anything.


每一次旅途的经历和遇见的人理论上都是唯一的, 也许大多数旅途中遇见的人, 这辈子可能都没有机会再次见到.

西贡(胡志明)给我留下了一个很不错的印象. 虽然交通不算便利, 但胜在有Grab Bike, 作为独行背包客, 也算是一种便宜且高效的替代出行选择.

由于住在第一郡, 市政中心附近, 当晚到达西贡安置好以后, 便到附近的广场溜达. 值得注意的是, 千万不要买当地的无价格牌的小吃, 我只点了几串油炸的肉串, 结果我吃完后被索要将近 30万越南盾.

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