
I almost forgot to record this trip until the end of the year. I open the gallery of this trip from time to time. It was overall unforgettable experience but it still left with some regret.
这篇游记几乎是被遗忘了,一直拖到半年后,还是没有完成。受picasa api退役的影响,相册选照片遇到了非常大的麻烦。说回旅程,虽然总体并不是很顺,但也算是难忘。

I planned this trip one month before departure. I almost prepared nothing but some diving trips in Okinawa, coz I am so expecting to see the pure and gorgeous ocean in Okinawa.

The flight is not direct to Okinawa. I also planned to stay in Taiwan for a couple of days.

The trip was : Hong Kong -> Kaohsiung City-> Tainan City (Stayed for 3 days) -> Kaohsiung City -> Okinawa, Japan (Stayed for 6 days) -> Kaohsiung City (Stayed for 1 day) -> Hong Kong.
整个行程大致上是:香港 -> 高雄 -> 台南逗留3天 -> 高雄 -> 冲绳逗留6天 -> 再回高雄住1天 -> 回香港

Tainan City 台南

Taiwan is full of yummy. Lots of young couples and backpackers like going to Tainan City to explore lanes for unique taste.
台湾是出了名的美食多,尤以夜市小吃闻名,甚至有各式各样新奇的吃法。 台湾的年轻情侣和背包客们都爱去台南走街串巷,寻找独特的美味。

The place I lived in Tainan is called ‘U.I.J Hotel & Hostel’. This hotel was started early 2018. The interior design is industrial style.
我再台南居住的旅馆叫做“友爱街旅馆”。 于18年年初投入运营,室内的设计走工业风,很有网红打卡feel。住客们无一不花上好些时间在这里拍照。

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